

    Missouri Option Program Student Agreement

    Fayette High School


    The Missouri Option Program Instructor and/ or principal will review all items in this agreement with the potential student and the parent or adult guardian.  Student, parent/guardian(s) are required to initial after each numbered guideline and sign at the conclusion to indicate and assure an understanding and compliance of the rules governing the program.


    1. Students must be at least 17 years of age and at risk of dropping out or not graduating with their cohort group. __________


    1. Students may be asked to take as assessment as soon as possible to ensure they have a reading and math level of at least 9th grade at entrance, progressing to 11th grade level at time of testing (the HiSET Test content area reading level is set at 11th grade level) __________


    1. In order to participate in the graduation ceremony, students must have fulfilled 100% of the following requirements prior to two weeks before semester final grades are due.
      1. Required classroom hours (See item #4)
      2. Required work hours (if participating in work-study- see item #5)
      3. Pass the HiSET test (See item #6)
      4. Take all required EOCs
      5. Pass the United States and Missouri Constitution tests (See item- #7
      6. Pass an American Government class
      7. Pass a Health class
      8. Pass a Personal Finance class
      9. Complete thirty (30) minutes of CPR instruction and training in the proper performance of the Heimlich maneuver.
      10. Completion of classroom coursework (See item #8)
      11. Pay all fines, book fees, lab fees, etc., due to the school district


    1.  Students must attend class a minimum of 15 academic hours per week, except for school holidays and closings.  Academic work will be completed on the computer, in small groups, independently, or one-on-one  with the Missouri Option Instructor.  According to school district policy, a student may be dropped from the program if he or she misses a total of 8 school days.  Students must be current on school hours in order to take the HiSET test.  A minimum of 90% of required school hours should be completed in order to graduate. __________


    1.  Students must also be engaged in some other school-sponsored activity at least 15 hours per week. That can include elective classes, Career and Technical classes, a work study program, community volunteer work, etc. __________


    1. Those choosing to participate in a work component must have an approved job or volunteer placement working a minimum of 15 hours per week average prior to enrollment in the Missouri Options Program. Students must maintain employment at a job or volunteer placement for a minimum of 15 hours per week over the course of the semester and after completion of the HiSET test, and met all the requirements for graduating through the Missouri Options Program. __________


    1. Appropriate and ongoing documentation, such as paycheck stubs and/ or volunteer verification forms, must be submitted to the Missouri Option Instructor at a minimum of once per month. A student may be dropped from the program if he or she does not provide work or volunteer documentation within the stated time frame. __________


    1. The HiSet test will be taken at one of the Missouri state-sponsored testing centers. Students must meet the minimum score determined by ETS/HiSET for each subtest and composite score in order to pass this exam.  The test may only be taken three (3) times in one calendar year (Jan-Dec.). __________


    1. Students will complete a course of U.S. Government. The test over the United States Constitution and the Missouri Constitution must be passes with a minimum score of 76% in order to graduate.  The Missouri Options Instructor or Social Studies Teacher will administer the Constitution test.  If you transcript shows that you have already passed the US Constitution, this requirement is considered fulfilled. __________


    1. Students will complete all coursework in class to prepare for the HiSET test as well as assigned research projects. __________


    1. Students must be enrolled in Missouri Options Program within the first twenty (20) school days of the semester in which they intend, and are eligible, to graduate.  Enrollment after that date will mean graduation the following semester. _________


    1. The cost of the HiSet test is $95.00. A form of payment will be issued to the school to “hold” until completion of the test.  Students failing an initial subtest can retake it up to two (2) more times in a calendar year (January 1- December 3) for $7.00 testing center fee per test. _______


    1. Students should successfully pass several practice exams with an overachieving score before taking the actual HiSet test.  The Missouri Option Instructor will administer the practice test. _________


    1. On the day of the test, each student must bring a valid Missouri driver’s license or Missouri photo ID to the testing center for admittance. ________


    1. Receipt of test scores online may take a week or more. Classroom hours in accordance with Item #4 must be completed before test scores will be revealed to the student.  Until verification of your score is received, you must continue to attend class, and continue to work the minimum of 15 hours per week.  You may use this time, also, to complete any of the required academic work towards graduation. _________


    1. After passing the test and meeting the other program requirements, you will be allowed to graduate with or after your cohort class (your kindergarten class.)  This program is not intended to be an early graduation program. _________


    1. Receipt of test score may take up to two weeks.  In order to walk at graduation, The HiSet must be taken a minimum of two weeks before senior’s final grades are due. _________


    1. Students must provide paper, pencils, pens, and a calculator. _________


    1. The same rules and procedures apply to Missouri Option students as apply to any student attending Fayette High School.  A copy of the Student/Parent Handbook is available on the school website. __________


    1. Noncompliance with program guidelines regarding school attendance, work, or behavior may result in dismissal from the program. __________


    1. Classroom hours are from 7:55 am to 11:23 am on regularly scheduled school days. __________


    All items of the Missouri Option Program Agreement have been explained satisfactorily, and by signing, we consent to abide by the agreement.


    Missouri Option Studnet __________________________________________Date_________

    Parent/Guardian _________________________________________________Date_________

    Missouri Option Instructor _________________________________________Date________


    Welcome to the Missouri Option Program!  We look forward to working with you and helping you meet your goals.


    Missouri Option Program Instructor                                                                   Fayette HS Principal

    Garth Menees                                                                                                   Patrick Tray