Degrees and Certifications:
Brandy Wells ---Title Reading Teacher
Welcome to my webpage!
I grew up on a cattle farm just outside of a small town----Steelville, Missouri. Many know of it as "The Floating Capitol of Missouri"---a great place to camp and take a canoe or raft trip in the summer. After high school, I attended Truman State University in Kirksville. I graduated with a Bachelor of Science in English in 1998, and a Master of Arts in Education in 1999. I knew I wanted to return to life in a small town, but had no idea where that idea would lead. This is my 20th year teaching in Fayette! What started as a one-year job has become a life-time commitment. I met my husband, Wesley, and put down roots on his family farm. Wyatt, our sweet but busy 3-year old, makes life rewarding and hilarious. We raise a few cattle and enjoy going on trips with friends where we can camp out and ride the trails.
I've worn a few different hats during my time in DES and CMS, but the one I wear right now is my absolute FAVORITE! I push-in to classrooms and team-teach reading, as well as pull out small groups of children who need some extra help with Reading. The best thing about this job is seeing my students reach their individual reading goals and gain confidence in the process! I love sharing their sharing their excitement and celebrating their success! They are so proud of their achievements, and I love to help empower them.