• Destruction of Special Education Records

    Please be aware that at anytime beyond three (3) school years from the following actions pertaining to the student, the Fayette R-III School District may deem special education records relating to your student as being no longer needed and destroy such records without further notice:

    • Graduation from the Fayette R-III School District
    • Receipt of Certificate of Completion from the Fayette R-III School District
    • Moving from the District 

    This is notice that all student special education records within the 3-year guideline will be destroyed to the required elements to include the most recent evaluation and IEP, the initial notice of placement, and dismissal from special education services.  

    The student, parent and/or guardian will have received a notice of destruction for student education files prior to destruction.  A Notice of Destruction letter will be sent when a student graduates, returns to regular education, or leaves the district.  A sample letter is outlined below:


    Sample--Destruction of Special Education Records Letter

    Fayette R-III School District

    Department of Student Services

    705 Lucky Street

    Fayette, Missouri 65248


    Student Name _________________________________________Date____________________


    In accordance with the state and federal regulations implementing the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), this is to inform you of our intent to destroy personally identifiable information related to special education services maintained in the above named student’s school special education records.

    If you wish to maintain this information for your personal records, you need to notify us upon receipt of this notice; otherwise, the information will be destroyed on _________________________________.

    Please be advised that the records may be needed by the student or the parent(s) for social security benefits or other purposes.


    Records to be destroyed are as follows

    • Individualized Education Programs (IEPs)
    • Evaluation Reports
    • Test Protocols (Available for inspection only; no copy will be provided)
    • Notifications of Meetings
    • Notices of Action
    • Review of Existing Data Summaries
    • All other personally identifiable information within the Special Education file*

     Reasons for Destruction:

    The reason for destruction of the above listed items is because they are no longer needed to provide educational services and/or it has been more than three (3) years since this individual has received special education services by the Fayette R-III School District. 

    *The district may maintain a permanent record, without time limitation, of a student’s name, address and phone number, his/her grades, attendance record, classes attended, grade level completed, and year completed. The school is required to maintain records for a minimum of three (3) years from the date the child no longer received special education and related services. After the three years, all special education records will be destroyed.

    You may contact the Special Education records office at the Fayette R-III School District – Department of Special Education at (660) 248-2153 or the address above for more information.



    Melissa Duren 

    Director of Student Services